Ventes : lun-ven 8h00 – 17h00
Pièces & Service : Lun-ven 8h30 – 17h00

Des conseils pour planifier un itinéraire de VR réussi

Want to take an RV road trip adventure, but don’t know where to start? Check out our tips for planning a great RV trip route.


Pick your destination

To start with, you need to pick an end point, a mid-point if you’re taking a circular route, or just choose a region you’d like to explore. If you don’t know where to start, most provincial tourism websites have great road trip route suggestions.

Look for the scenic route

We think an RV road trip is the best time to look for the scenic route. Rather than taking the same road there and back, or the main road of a popular route, see if there is an alternate option that will take you through different scenery and points of interest. The journey may be slower, but that gives you the ability to travel at a relaxed pace and discover hidden gems.

Keep an eye out for secondary highways and roads that make even small detours off the main route, and see if they’re worth exploring, but do make sure they are RV-friendly roads, and that your GPS doesn’t lead you off on rough or steep gravel service roads.

Make a list of things to see and do

Once you’ve chosen your route, it’s time to research all of the sights and stops there are to see and experience along the way. From historical landmarks to scenic viewpoints, towns to parks, make a note of everything that looks interesting to you.

Narrow down your list of things to see and do

Next, after you’ve filled the page with all of the possibilities, narrow them down to the activities and sights you’re most excited about, and ones that fit within the limits of your time.

Create a timeline

Depending both on the things you’ve decided to do, and the total time you have for your trip, it’s now time to create a specific timeline. Divide out your days along the route, giving more time for places that will take longer to explore properly, or where you know you’ll want to linger, and choosing the spots where you’ll want to spend the night.

Plan longer travel days through areas that don’t hold much interest, and shorter travel times on days packed with things to see and do.

Leave space for the unexpected

You never know what lies on the road ahead! Don’t schedule you’re trip so vigorously that no room is left for spontaneity.

Book ahead

Now that you’ve got your route and timeline settled, book your campsites ahead of time wherever you can. There’s nothing better than knowing you can take your time on the road and have a site reserved and waiting for you at the end of the day. If you’re not familiar with the campground, check out the online reviews to make sure it’s a good fit. If you’re boondocking, research overnight parking regulations for the areas you’d like to camp.

Download our app

Download the RV Care app before you hit the road! As an RV Care member, you’ve got the RV Care network ready to help with any unforeseen repairs or supplies on your travels. Our app will help you locate the nearest dealer.

Do you have any RV trip route planning tips to share? Let us know on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram.

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